The life of the the town was peaceful until the beginning of the year 1911, when a group of neighbors--Victorio Figueroa, Miguel Figueroa, Luis Nunez, Mauro Garcia, Lamberto Sixtos, Pompeyo Sixtos, etc.--initiated meetings for the purpose of joining the "Revolucion Maderista" (Madero revolutionary movement). These meetings were held in different locations and most especially at "Los Banos de Urimitiro" for which we jokingly called it "El Plan de Urimitiro." But once authorities at Cuitzeo became aware they warned the Municipal Head, not to continue on with the meetings or they would alert the government at Morelia [capital of the State of Michoacan] for which reason the meetings were suspended and all proceeded with caution.
Once the "Maderistas" (Madero followers) took the capital, these men went to place themselves under the orders of General Salvador Escalante who appreciated their support but told them their services were no longer needed since General Porfirio Diaz had left the country.
At mid-year, 1912 and having refused to recognize the then President, don Frnancisco I. Madero, General Pascual Orozco took the "Hacienda de Huandacareo" capturing the administrator, don Gabriel Iturbide, and its employees, threatening to shoot them if they warned the town, which they attacked at 10:00 in the morning. One of the neighbors of the "Hacienda", Nabor Garcia, wrote a ballad that begins: "El dia 28 de Mayo ni me quisiera acordar, llegaron los Orozquistas a Huandacareo a robar..."
That same day, the 28th of May, 1912, the "Orozquistas" (followers of Gen.Orozco) abandoned the town after taking some weapons, small number to be sure, because the townspeople had left to hide in the mountains nearby. They were about 200 men.
Once the sacking was begun by "Orozquistas" who operated in the region south of Guanajuato and north of Michoacan, an era of banditry was let loose--especially at the ranches of "Las Canadas de Abajo," "Las Canadas de Enmedio," and "Las Canadas de La Vuelta" in the jurisdiction of Villa Morelos--under the command of Gonzalez and Lemus from those ranches. This very much tired the neighbors. One Sunday, we proposed to throw them out of town and with some rifles and pistols, we braved a firefight initiated by don Benito Diaz. We chased them until they reached the cemetery, causing them one dead--whom we had to bury--and varous wounded--which they took. And with that we were able to throw them out not only of the town but also the entire jurisdiction.
Politically, that year [1912], we celebrated the elections for office of Governor of the State, being contended for by the Catholic Party's candidate, Lic. Don Primitivo Ortiz, and the Liberal Party candidate, Dr. Miguel Silva--who won the election.
This [political] campaign occasioned some disagreement even among families, since some supported Ortiz and others supported Silva.
Shortly after the assassination of President Madero, a Major Angel Loza, who was at the same time the Prefect (jurisdictional head) of Puruandiro, marched from that town with 150 soldiers and having captured by force various neighbors from [Rancho de] "Llano Grande" and from the "Hacienda" [de Huandacareo] was taking them to reinforce the forces of Huerta--who supported the governor of the state, General Gonzalez Garza, seated by the assassin Victoriano Huerta. As the town found out that they were being forced into service, they formed "valla" and urged the soldiers not to take them. We succeeded and they handed them over to us--something which Cuitzeo did not do, since 20 men had been taken from that town to be incorporated in the forces at Morelia.
Upon the outbreak of "La Revolucion Carrancista" (Carranza revolt) against the tyrant Huerta, among the States of Michoacan and Guanajuato, there arose--in arms--the Abundio brothers, Tomas Anastacio Irineo, and Guadalupe Pantoja. Quickly following them, rose up the leaders Fortino Gonzalez, Felipe Calvillo, Gil Ortiz, and Fidel Gonzalez--all neighbors from "Las Canadas"--who under the pretext of "La Revolucion" assaulted and robbed by night in all the towns in the zone, retreating at daybreak.
One night in which the "Canados," as we called them, attempted to rob the house of Gilberto Fernandez, close to what is today known as the "Palacio Municipal" (town hall), Gilberto, along with don Pedro Caballero and his sons: Anastacio, Francisco, and Justo drove back the bandits--who numbered 20--and made them retreat to the northern corner of the block. Some took their stand at the "Pilo del Pozo de Jardin" where we--Aristeto, my brother, and I--dislodged them. We succeeded in reaching the tower to take them on with pistols since we did not have rifles. Those who attacked from the northern corner were made to flee--by Messrs. Nicolas Nunez, Luis Nunez, and Luis Garcia--from the house (second) which was theirs, since it so happened that they were in town. The bandits suffered three wounded which they were able to carry away.
From that date on, we dedicated ourselves to organizing what we would later call "La Defensa Civil de Huandacareo" (The Civilian Defense of Huandacareo), comprised in greater part by men whose ages ranged from 18 to 30. Don Nicolas Nunez was elected as head because of his great prudence. He with his brother, Luis, came newly to live in Huandacareo, since they resided in Cuitzeo.
At mid-year, 1914, Sr. Jose Ramon Cabiedes was serving as Administrator of the "Hacienda [de Huandacareo]" and as Accountant, Genaro Carreon. One day they were advised that a party of bandits had approached "Rancho de Marijo" which was administered by the "Hacienda." The Administrator, followed by Genaro and Salvador Carreon, Genaro Murillo and some other four "mozos" (servants) went out--armed--to pursue them. These (bandits) retreated in the direction of Chucandiro where Anastasio Pantoja was operating with his people. Fatally, the pursuers were surrounded by the Pantoja forces, in the vicinity of Chucandiro.
In the battle, Genaro Murillo was killed. Sr. Cabiedes, upon using up all his ammunition for his rifle, shot himself with his pistol. The brothers Carreon [Genaro and Salvador] were made prisoners. The only ones who succeeded in fleeing were the "mozos." The following day, Anastasio Pantoja took possession of the "Hacienda [de Huandacareo]" setting fire to a beautiful building that had been built by the Messrs. Iturbide. They sacked the seeds and existent cattle herds, until they abandoned said building because they left to reincorporate with the forces of the Villistas, to which they belonged, to wage battle against General Obregon at Celaya.
I would like to refer to the odyssey of the Carreon brothers--made prisoners by the Pantojistas. Countless times they were placed before a firing squad but Genaro would succeed in convincing them of the uselessness of this. Finally, in a battle between Pantoja and the Huerta forces, in which they retreated from Puruandiro in the direction of Huaniqueo, a bullet took one of Pantoja's eyes, which caused the disorganization of the Pantojista forces. But Genaro grabbed an abandoned "clarin" (trumpet) and began to play "Reunion" (regroup). He succeeded in regrouping the people who were in a state of confusion and disorder. Upon learning of his action, "Colonel" Tomas Pantoja asked his brother [Anastasio] to enlist Genaro to the state of Major, making him Paymaster. Now, when Tomas [Pantoja], now incorporated with the forces of Villa under the command of Gen. Jose I. Prieto, as they were fighting in Aguascalientes, was found out by their leader to be attempting to desert in order to return to Michoacan to join his brothers, he was shot along with his "oficiales." But, Genaro was forewarned and was able to flee in time.
By way of anecdote: It is said that when Anastasio [Pantoja] arrived in Morelia to consult with a doctor, he was told: "You have completely lost the eye." To this, Pantoja responded: "No, doctor, I have it right here in my pocket."
On the 12th of May, 1915, among those who kept watch in the town to avoid being robbed, we organized a dinner at Urimitiro. Now coincidentally, because Martinez was in town, we invited the Municipal Presidente of Cuitzeo, don Porfirio. Upon return, we agreed to continue in the town with a "Gallo," and to that end, we--Gilberto Fernandez, Genaro Carreon, and I--went to advise the Jefe Municipal, don Nabor Calderon, whom we found sitting at the "brocal" [curb-stone] of the well in the garden. He refused to give permission saying that the town was on alert. We insisted, reminding him that it was we, the young men, who constituted the watchmen in order to avoid frequent robberies by the bandits in the region. Don Nabor was obstinate in refusing to give permission and Gilberto Fernandez told him: "Why are we asking permission of this old man, when we are the guarantee of order in this town?" Upon saying this, he took out his pistol and shot into the air. But, don Nabor, believing that he was going to shoot him, threw himself into the "pila" [large stone trough containing water] giving himself a grand "chapuzon" [dive].
The shots fired by Gilberto brought out many neighbors, and this impeded the "Gallo" we had desired. That very night, the Municipal Head drafted a message to the Governor accusing us of having raised up arms. For this reason, the "Jefatura de Operaciones" [Head of Operations] ordered Col. Benigno Serrato to come out with his people to pursue us.
Upon arriving at Cuitzeo, said Colonel, on the 15th of May [1915], asked the Presidente Municipal [Cuitzeo] for news on the region. Upon being told by the Presidente Municipal that he did not have any news, the Colonel told him that he was on his way to Huandacareo to capture the aforementioned because they had raised up in arms. Since the Municipal President indicated to him that he had been with us only two days prior, the Colonel told him that he had to follow orders from his superiors--but in a certain way, he intimated that we should be forewarned so that we might hide. That night the warning arrived and we had to leave the town [Huandacareo]--Gilberto Fernandez to Guanajuato and afterward to Morelia where he established residence; with Genaro and I leaving toward Zamora, where we hoped to emigrate to the United States of America. Since we did not find trains at the "Estacion de Los Espinos" [name of train station], we continued on to Zamora where it was confirmed to us that there was no train service headed for Guadalajara.
[Genaro] Carreon established himself as an administrator at a ranch near Zamora and I had to return and present myself to the "Jefatura de Operaciones" (Head of Operations) with proof from the Presidente Municipal at Cuitzeo, that the version offered by Municipal Head don Nabor Calderon was false.
Upon arriving at Huandacareo, Colonel Serrato, in search for us, learned that in that town lived the father-in-law of the bandit leader Fidel Gonzalez. He captured the man and shot him even though he did not belong to the bandit gang.
In June of 1916, having recovered the "Hacienda [de Huandacareo]," the Messrs. Iturbide, named as Administrator a don Salvador Urrutia. A youth of 26 years, Salvador Urrutia had participated "al estado mayor" [at rank of Major] under Gen. Jose I. Prieto, whom he accompanied in the battles at Celaya and subsequent, until, having been incorporated into the forces of Gen. Roberto Fierro. He separated from Gen. Fierro's troops after the battle the General had with the Constitutionalists at San Juan del Rio, when Fierro was detached to gather "Presidente Villista Garza Gonzales."
As I was named accountant to the "Hacienda [de Huandacareo]," we went to live in the older building with two "mozos" (man-servants)--armed, considering ourselves the first of the defenders of the town.
During the month of October [1916], a party of so-called Villistas under the command of leaders Melesio Morales and Pedro Vazquez, who operated in the vicinity of Chucandiro and Huaniqueo, approached as near as the "Rancho de San Cristobal," which belonged to the "Hacienda [de Huandacareo]." Thirty-five men--who formed at that time the Civilian Defense--were gathered to pursue them without being able to overtake them before they reached Chucandiro--where they were garrisoned. Returning from San Cristobal, they--Gilberto Fernandez, Mauro Garcia, and Elpidio Figueroa--stayed to eat at the "Hacienda [de Huandacareo]." After having drunk some "Tequilas," we agreed to make a run over to "Rancho Llano Grande" belonging to the "Hacienda," and adjacent to "La Canada de Abajo," residence of Fidel Gonzalez and his armed band. As we we had arrived at [Rancho Llano Grande] adjacent [to "La Canada de Abajo"]; it was easy for us to go "torear" [badger] the "Canados", as we called them. And we succeeded in chasing them away from their ranch, but they afterward positioned themselves at the place/residence named "El Reventon" and we again engaged in a firefight, forcing them to flee [back] to their ranch and we ourselves retreated since it was almost nightfall.
In middle of December of 1916, the "Jefatura de Operaciones" (Head of Operations) for the State [of Michoacan] advised the "Hacienda [de Huandacareo]" that Fidel Gonzalez had presented himself to the Operations Headquarters and had received amnesty. [Fidel Gonzalez] therefore had been commissioned to negotiate the surrender of the men accompanying Felipe Calvillo. And he, [Fidel Gonzalez] was to execute such orders under the grade of Major. [Fidel Gonzalez] not being able to convince Felipe [Calvillo] and the 16 men that formed his gang, the "Presidente Municipal" [Municipal Head] and the "Jefe de la Defense de Villa Morelos" [Head of the Civilian Defense of Villa Morelos] presented themselves at the "Hacienda [de Huandacareo]" to see if the "Hacienda" could convince [Felipe] Calvillo to put down his arms; but they were not successful since he [Felipe Calvillo] under no circumstance would recognize the leadership of Gonzalez.
On the 5th of January of 1917, at midday, Fidel Gonzalez arrived at the "Hacienda [de Huandacareo]." Nearing 4:00 in the afternoon, upon learning that [Felipe] Calvillo was approaching with three companions to speak with [Salvador] Urrutia, [Fidel] Gonzalez ordered his men to hide in the corrals. He also hid. Suceeding in capturing [Felipe] Calvillo and companions, he assassinated the four even though he had promised not to kill them. And [he did this] knowing that among the three companions of Calvillo, were Anastasio Gonzalez, the brother of his father and Emilio Zavala, also a close relative
On the 13th of January of 1917, eight days later, at 2:00 in the morning, we were surprised at the "Hacienda [de Huandacareo]" by the leaders Melesio Morales and Pedro Vazquez and their 40 men. They had taken us by surprise since the "mozo" [man-servant] in charge of the watch had abandoned his post to go "irse de juerga" [on carousal] at the "caserio" [village] on the ranch. When we realized their presence, they were inside the building and we did not have opportunity to fight nor would it have been possible. They declared us prisoners, took our weapons, and acted as it they were going to shoot us because we would not tell them the whereabouts of don Gabriel Iturbide, who had arrived at the "Hacienda [de Huandacareo]" the day before. Upon seeing that we were going to be shot, [don Gabriel Iturbide] gave himself up. After [the bandits] also threatened to shoot him, he attempted to convince them that it would be more profitable for them if he should give them some money. He suggested that I should go into Huandacareo to get the money (3,000 pesos) they were asking, but they opposed this idea since they thought--with reason--that this would give the town a chance to prepare their defense.
The bandits were for the most part drunk and they got even more drunk with what we provided to them. At 5:00 in the morning [14th of January 1917], after having robbed weapons, horses, and clothing, they left for Huandacareo with the intention of asking the town to surrender its plaza. They figured if the Civilian Defense did not surrender the plaza, they would retire until their "general," Jose Ines Chavez Garcia arrived and then they would destroy the town. We thought that if they surprised the town and did not fight, they would continue in their inebriated state and if the neighbors fought, upon their return they would stop at the "Hacienda [de Huandacareo"] with even more anger than before. Thus, we resolved to abandoned the building: Senor Iturbide in a canoe over the lake [Laguna de Cuitzeo] and we to the "Banos de Agua Caliente" (hot springs), where we arrived at 6:00 in the morning.
[Salvador] Urrutia accompanied don Gabriel [Iturbide] to the "embarcadero" wharf/port/harbour and I stayed in an orchard located at the "Banos [de Agua Caliente]" (hot springs) awaiting his [Urrutia's] passing by in the direction of Huandacareo. At 8:30 in the morning, I heard a lengthy firefight that got louder. Upon Urrutia's arrival, we left rapidly to the town, where they had already ousted the bandits, causing them two dead--according to the information we were given.
The following occured [at the town of Huandacareo, 14th of January 1917]:
The bandits surprised the town as they arrived into the central plaza at full gallop and demanded that the neighbors they captured tell them where they could locate the house of the "Jefe Municipal" (Municipal Head), my father, don Salvador Diaz. They did not locate him because they went to talk with the other head, Emilio Murillo, who lived in the "parte trasera de la huerta" back part of my father's orchard. Disgusted at the negativity on the part of the neighbors who did not indicate the residence of the authorities, and since they were inebriated, they [the bandits] began to beat the neighbors with their weapons and demanded that they open up the stores so they might continue their drinking. Recovering from their surprise, the members of the defense began to group and attacked the bandits at the plaza and through the streets until they succeeded in casting them out of the town, pursuing them all the way to the cemetery.
This triumph on the part of the neighbors was the motivation behind the reorganization of the [Civilian] Defense. This caused the ire of Chavez Garcia who operated now with more than 500 men and whom the defeated bandits of Huandacareo and their troops--Pedro Vazquez and Fidel Gonzalez who newly declared himself a "Villista"--had joined.
A month afterward or 4th of February [1917], at 2:00 in the afternoon, Chavez Garcia arrived at the "Hacienda [de Huandacareo"]. At about 3:00 in the afternoon, he began his advance toward the town, in two columns--one by way of "La Calzada Agua Caliente" ["Agua Caliente" Road (surfaced)] and the other by way of the "Camino del Arroyo Blanco" ["Arroyo Blanco" (river) Road].
Fortunately, Chavez Garcia, knowing that we were prepared to defend, gave a counter-order and his forces returned to the "Hacienda [de Huandacareo]" where he sent word that without excuse or pretext, we should send him the arms and ammunitions that we had. To this we answered that we only had "'escopetas' [breech-loading guns] to defend ourselves against the bandits who under the guise of being with the revolution, robbed whatever they found in all the towns they passed through."
Chavez Garcia was disgusted with our response. At dawn the 5th of February [1917] (the day of Proclamation of the Constitution), he sent us an ultimatum demanding our 'unconditional surrender.' To this we answered: "Mandandolo a molestar a la autor de sus dias" [Go bother the mother of his days]. At 8:00 in the morning, he again mobilized against Huandacareo, but just at the outskirts of the town, he ordered "Media Vuelta" (half-turn). Undoubtedly, he wanted only to scare us, leaving in the direction of ["Rancho de] Las Canadas" at Villa Morelos. The joyous relief of not having been attacked turned into enthusiasm to reinforce the defense of the town. With the help of neighbors, another 30 weapons--30-30 and Mausers (long)--and 5,000 cartridges were bought.
In Arpil [1917] we bought another 10 rifles. Now our armament consisted of 70 rifles and some double-barreled "escopetas" [breech-loading guns].
The 4th of May [1917], [Chavez Garcia] again approached the "Hacienda [de Huandacareo"] with more than 600 men and he demanded that we send him at least six Mausers. We responded that he should "Chiflarle 'Las Mananitas' a su madre y no estuviera jorobandonos." [Go whistle "Las Mananitas" to his mother and stop bothering.] [Chavez Garcia], swearing "Que muy pronto nos bajaria los... humos," retreated again to the west, in the direction of Villa Morelos, a town he had not yet entered, even though there was little defense there.
Seeing that Chavez Garcia operated frequently between Huandacareo and Villa Morelos, the "Jefatura de Operaciones" [Head of Operations] ordered Gen. Jose I. Flores, "Jefe de La Fuerzas Carrancistas" [Head of the Carranza Forces] at Puruandiro to send a small force to "guarnecer" [garrison] the zone under the command of one Lt. Cruz, who was at our town [Huandacareo] for a few days and then established himself at Cuitzeo.
The middle of June [1917], the watchman that we had at the tower of the church, Pompeyo Alvarez, advised us that he saw a lot of movement of people at "La Hacienda [de Huandacareo"] and we prepared ourselves to receive them. But they did not attack. They only followed the course of the "Arroyo Blanco" [White River]. They stayed in the forest in the direction of the boundary line to [State of] Guanajuato. We kept shooting at them, but they did not answer our fire. We thus surmised they planed to stay in Guanajuato or go attack the force that was staying at Cuitzeo. For that reason, we advised the Lt. Cruz so that he might be prepared. But [Lt.] Cruz, believing that it was Huandacareo which was in danger, left at 7:00 at night with part of his troop to help us. In reality, he saved us from a disaster.
The forces that we had seen at the "Hacienda [de Huandacareo"] were part of Chavez Garcia who at the same time by way of the mountains was approaching, now growing dark, even to the "Potrero de Las Mesas" [horse farm] located on the mountain north of town and about one kilometer away--to the end that he would attack at daybreak to attempt to take the town. But upon the arrival of Lt. Cruz at about 10:00 at night, all the defenders shouting out with joy--as much for Lt. Cruz as for Gen. Flores who was his head. This was heard by the "Chavistas" who thought that the general [himself] had arrived with his forces. Rapidly, they withdrew. We realized the danger we had been in by the destruction caused by the Chavaz cavalry at the "Potrero [de] Las Mesas."
The period from June to November of 1917, was a series of alarms, adventures, and firefights--sometimes with the bandit-gang of Fidel Gonzalez or with those of Chucandiro under the command of Pedro Vazquez or Esteban Hernandez who operated in the part south of Guanajuato ("La Cienega [Ranch]" and "Rancho del Cerro," as well as "Pinicuaro" of the same State), staying occasionally in our jurisdiction.
The 7th of July [1917], after a "good meal" or better said, in a state of euphoria for the cups we drank, it occurred to Urrutia that we should go to Chucandiro to "torear" [badger] the bandit gang under Vazquez. Without further adieu, we--Salvador Urrutia, Luis Nunez, Hilario Chavez, Jose Socorro Diaz, and three "mozos" [man-servants]--left [the town of] Huandacareo, without telling anyone. Also joining the group along the way were the "mayordomo" [foreman] of the "Hacienda [de Huandacareo]," don Gumersindo Aguilar. We arrived at [Rancho de] Marijo (two and one-half kilometers from Chucandiro), and there some of the fellows realized the stupidity we were committing by approaching closer and refused to continue. Continuing on--[Salvador] Urrutia, the two "mozos" [man-servants], Hilario Chavez, and I--we attempted to convince him how foolish it would be to enter into such "enjuague", but Urrutia insisted and told us "si teniamos miedo nos regresaramos" [if scared, go back], for which we[felt we] had to continue on with him.
We were almost at the "Hacienda de la Pasera" , when some bandits on horseback came out and positioned themselves on the hill in front of the "finca" [main building], shooting at us. Urrutia cried out to us that he would shoot whoever ran; that we had to return the way we came and keep firing. Answering their firing, we retreated until we got to the fence that divided the "Rancho de Marijo" and the "Hacienda de la Pasera" where we held on to the fence railings to contain the attack from Vazquez and his 20 people, who were coming from Chucandiro. But we made them retreat almost to "Arroyo [River] Catarranas." We continued to withdraw until we got to some rock "monticulos" [formations] named "Las Yacatas," where we stood our ground. They had arrived at the fence we had abandoned. As we were firing, we realized that by way of the mountain, "La Relacion," situated almost behind us, Fidel Gonzalez was approaching with his men. This would prevent our entry by way of the [boundary] gate [to "Rancho de] Marijo," leaving us covered by two firefights. For that reason, we rapidly retreated. We succeeded in getting out by way of "El Bordo Sentado" [boulder in shape of sitting position], which served to contain the waters of the "Lago de Cuitzeo" [Lake Cuitzeo] and where we fought back, until the bandits became convinced that they could not do anything to us and withdrew.
The 15th day of July 1917, by order of the "Jefatura de Operaciones" [Head of Operations], Major Miguel Ramos arrived with 70 men of the Infantry ("Yaquis"), destined for Chucandiro where they would garrison and with orders to pursue the people of Pedro Vazquez. Knowing of our stupid adventure, he got our word to accompany him to Chucandiro and convinced Urrutia that we would serve as an advance to provoke them and that he with his infantry would follow after us. He would closely follow the foot of the mountain in order to take them by surprise. In effect, we succeeded in having them chase us, but the Major believing that we were in great peril, left his cover with his men to come help us, putting an end to our plan [of surprise attack] and making them flee to Chucandiro, from where we dislodged them, giving chase to them for two kilometers to the east. Salvador Urrutia, Hilario Chavez, Jose Socorro Diaz, Francisco Huerta, Hipolito Rangel, J. Salud Razo, Alejandro Aguilar, and the two "mozos" (man-servants, Trinidad and Aniceto) from the "Hacienda [de Huandacareo]," with another neighbor from town whose name I do not reacall, took part in this adventure. Since the pursuit had lasted until almost 7:00 at night, we had to stay in that town [Chucandiro]--causing great alarm in Huandacareo, where we arrived the following day.
A few days after that, at the end of July [1917], Major Ramos invited us to accompany him to disloge a gang that operated near Urundaneo and Huaniqueo. That excursion lasted three days in the mountains. We succeeded in dislodging the gangs in the zone that encompassed [territory] to Copandaro, on the southern coast of the "Laguna de Cuitzeo" [Lake Cuitzeo].
On the 2nd of August [1917], Major [Ramos] was ordered to move his troops to Morelia, but prior to that, he was at Huandacareo and organized an attack against the bandit, Fidel Gonzalez in his "guarida" [home turf], that is, "La Canada de Abajo." To this end, we left Huandacareo--Urrutia and Diaz [Socorro Diaz Diaz] with 25 of our neighbors. At 6:00 in the morning we arrived at "[Rancho de] La Canada [de Abajo]." I was ordered, with the defenders, to cross the "rancheria" [hamlet or huts for laborers] to avoid a firefight with the bandits in the direction of Villa Morelos--something we did with temerity since the people [in the "rancheria"] were already coming out of their huts. As we arrived at the opposite point, I ordered Epifanio Diaz, "clarin de ordenes" [bugler] to play "Fuego y Adelante" [forward march]. We attempted to encircle the "rancheria" [hamlet or huts for laborers], but 15 men were able to escape. We succeeded in capturing five [men] of whom the Major hung three. One was able to take off the rope and jumping over the fence, ran through a cornfield eluding the soldiers pursuing him. The last one [fifth man] was shot. We passed into "La Canada de Enmedio", but we did not encounter the enemy--since they ran away upon hearing the firefight [aforementioned].
We returned to the town [of Huandacareo] at 5:00 in the afternoon and the Major left the following day for Morelia.
On the 21st or 22nd of September [1917], upon Fidel Gonzalez having approached the "Hacienda [de Huandacareo]" as close as "El Potrero Prieto" [name of horse farm, stalls, pasture], we went out to pursue him to "Rancho de Llano Grande," but as he captured two neighbors--Antonio Vargas and Narciso Mendoza--who were working in the fields, he wrote to us demanding as ransom two rifles which we had to remit; otherwise he would have assassinated them.
At the end of the month of October [1917], a message from the "Jefe Municipal de Capacho" [Municipal Head at Capacho], which is five kilometers from our town, advised us that Fidel Gonzales was commiting injustices in that town. For that reason, we organized to leave at 11:00 at night and we set up an ambush at "Rancho de Cuaro," where he would have to pass to return to Capacho. We waited until 4:00 in the morning and believing that he had left by way of Cuitzeo or through the mountain "Manuna," we withdrew. We had just arrived at our town [of Huandacareo] when one of the neighbors from ["Rancho de] Cuaro" came to advise us that Fidel and his people had passed by way of "Rancho de Tupatarillo." We left rapidly in pursuit all the way to "Rancho de Tupataro" but he succeeded in penetrating the territory in the State of Guanajuato. But not without having encountered us in a firefight during which some of the neighbors from Capacho were able to escape. He had taken them prisoners and was asking them for money. God so willed that we withdrew prior to his passing through Cuaro since the firefight [ambush] there would have caused the death of the prisoners.
On the 22nd day of November [1917], a "peon" [laborer] from "Rancho de Tupataro," property of don Luis Nunez, came running to advise that the bandits from "La Cienega" in Guanajuato, under the command of Esteban Hernandez, were sacking and raping at the "Rancho [de Tupataro"]. For that reason, we quickly left the town [of Huandacareo]--Luis Nunez, Salvador Urrutia, Jose Socorro Diaz, Mauro Garcia, Luis Garcia, Antonio Alvarez, Agustin Rangel, Trinidad Martinez, Luis Perez Gil, and Pedro del Razo. Luis Perez Gil and Pedro del Razo were at that time from Cuitzeo where Perez Gil was in charge of a detachment of the forces of the State [of Michoacan]. But they were visiting in Huandacareo. Upon the bandits realizing that we were approaching, they took flight--even though there were 25 of them and we were only ten. We chased them until the State boundary, when we were joined by Hipolito Rangel, who was coming from some lands that he possessed at the "Rancho del Cerro" and he asked us to go save his brother, Federico, who not aware of the close proximity of the bandits, had remained at the "Rancho."
We decided to continue our pursuit, but upon reaching the crossing of "Los Callejones" [narrow passes between mountains] coming from the direction of Pinicuaro and "Rancho Nuevo," we did not know which road to continue on until a dog, "pointer" that we had at the "Hacienda [de Huandacareo"] began to follow a scent and called to us to follow it. We followed it up to an "un encinal" (an oak tree) where the dog--he was named "El Catrin"--began to crawl, softly growling. For this reason, we dismounted, taking cover among the oaks, and crouching along in horizontal posture, we came upon the bandits behind a fence. They were distributing the stolen goods among themselves. When they realized we were there, we were less than 50 meters away and they did not have a chance to fight us. We made them run, leaving behind three horses, three weapons, and two dead--one a bandit leader. Upon a closer look, Mauro Garcia found gold coins on him [the dead bandit leader]. Since we had penetrated into territories belonging to Guanajuato and since it was now very late, we returned to the town of Pinicuaro, where we found ourselves with the "Jefe de la Defensa" [Head of Civilian Defense], don Nicolas [Nunez], who having heard the firefight we had had at Tupataro, had come to reinforce us. We returned about 9:00 at night to Huandacareo.
On the 8th of December [1917], our "servicio de espionaje" (spies) throughout the zone communicated to us that Ines Chavez Garcia, with about 1,200 men, had assaulted Villa Morelos and they were committing every type of atrocity, assassinating the neighbors, raping whatever woman they found, and robbing everything in sight. It so happened that don Nicolas Nunez, the Head of the Defense and Salvador Urrutia, had left for Morelia two days prior. We immediately sent a message advising them with a "mozo." We met with the leaders of the "reten" (battle station groups) to organize properly the defense of the town. Although some persons were of the opinion that we should withdraw to Morelia given the astounding number of bandits that accompanied Chavez Garcia, the majority opposed this. We began to place barbed wire at all the streets, raising temporary fortifications made of adobe at various corners of the streets, and installing a canon that we made using an iron tube wrapped in three-cord wire and mounted on wheels of iron at the fortification constructed at the corner of the streets named Hidalgo and Allende, near the house of Federico Rangel--since we expected the attack from the west side of the town.
The 9th [of December 1917], at 4:00 in the morning, we received a messenger from the leader, Pedro Vazquez, our old enemy, who had joined the said garrison at Chucandiro. In the communication that he sent to us, he asked for help because he feared that Chavez Garcia would attack and destroy the town, because he had "rendido" [given himself up]. We answered him that we were in the same danger, since he, himself, had been the one who had taunted [Chavez] to attack us. And, if he did not feel safe in Chucandiro, he should--with his people--come to take refuge at our town. We guaranteed him that we would not act against him but rather would give them protection. Naturally, he did not accept our offer but rather retreated to Morelia by way of Copandaro.
At 1:00 in the afternoon on the same day [9th of December 1917], don Nicolas Nunez, Head of the Defense, and Salvador Urrutia, Sub-head, arrived from Morelia, along with don Miguel Figueroa and Gilberto Fernandez who although residing in those days at Morelia, immediately came to help. The security measures put into play by Luis Nunez, Jose Socorro Diaz, and Francisco Huerta were approved, as well as, the correspondence with Pedro Vazquez. All that day we were under tension, awaiting the appearance of the bandits from the direction of Villa Morelos. Consequently, they commissioned me to go establish an advance lookout at the bridge of the river "San Francisco," near the cemetery. Thus, at 11:00 at night we saw some persons advancing. Upon ordering them to halt, they identified themselves as the Presidente [Municipal] from Villa Morelos, don Carlos Diaz Cervantes, and four neighbors who had succeeded in leaving that town--upon becoming aware of the enormous number of bandits that accompanied Chavez Garcia in the attack--and had traveled through the mountainous terrain all that day on foot. We received them and I went to present them to the Head of the Defense [don Nicolas Nunez], who gave them lodging at his house. They naturally came in great panic and the following day they were still pondering the danger our town was in if it resisted the attack. For this reason, we agreed with Urrutia that it would be convenient, so as not to discourage our people, to make them leave town. I was commissioned to convince them of this and to allot them horses and escort as far as the town of Capacho, in the direction of Morelia--which they accepted without delay.
The same day, we received from Chavez Garcia, another communication to remit/send to him at Morelos, now not six, but ten rifles and 600 cartridges. But feeling ourselves stronger and braver, because he had not attacked even though the number of people with him was great and even though he was only 16 kilometers from the town. We answered him, telling him to go bother his mother. He followed the advise and withdrew to Villa Morelos, going into [State of] Guanajuato, and, we suppose, passing through Moroleon and Yurriria, they went to sleep in a small town named Maravatio. The following day, they arrived at "La Estacion del Rimbo," Michoacan, where they attacked the train, burned down the [train] station and a lumber yard.